SVT Presidents Welcome - Winter 2022
SVT Presidents Welcome
Happy New Year and welcome to the SVT Winter Newsletter 2022!
This year we have started using Mailchimp to deliver the newsletter straight to your inboxes but will also have a downloadable archive stored on the website.
I would like start by thanking you all for attending the Vascular Societies ASM in Manchester. It was an outstanding meeting, full of prime content and the feedback we received was very positive indeed. My immense thanks to our committee members who worked tirelessly on the meetings design and content right through to chairing and volunteering on the day to ensure its success.
I want to congratulate again our ASM Award winners for their salient contribution to the meeting, you are an inspiration to all our members, and we wish you every success in your future career. See our review of all award winners with their winning abstracts if you missed out on attending the ASM last December.
My sincerest thanks to Lee Smith, now past President of the SVT, for all the hard work during his presidency especially given the difficult landscape of the pandemic. Lee has worked for the SVT for many years and was integral in the design and development of the SVT website. He will be missed and we wish him every success in his future.
It has been a busy start to my presidency, and I am thoroughly enjoying participating and engaging with our allied societies, councils, and committees to represent our collective voice. It is truly an honour and I feel very privileged to be able to represent our society.
Post Covid-19 recovery is high on everyone’s agenda and there is much work taking place within NHS England and Improvement in regard Sir Mike Richards report. Physiological measurements, within the wider Diagnostic services, is less well represented in regard data reporting and a task force has been created to address this. The Physiological Measurement Program will be creating a data collection workbook for Vascular Physiology and has contacted the SVT to engage us in this project. Work has already commenced and is work at a fast pace. Once completed, this workbook will be used to gather data from all vascular physiology services in England to gain insight into service design, current waiting times, workforce data and much more.
The program aims to improve quality and efficiency of physiological measurement services, to build governance structures to support network working and clinical service transformation and improved diagnostics capacity to deliver high quality patient care and outcomes consistently across all our NHS providers.
I am delighted to announce the launch of the SVT Equivalence Award funding for AVS members, the details of which are within this newsletter and posted on our website. The winning applicant(s) work will be published in the Spring Newsletter, and we are very much looking forward to receiving many applications!
I look forward to working with all committees of the SVT to ensure our profession’s voice is well represented in the science community at national level. As always we would invite you to get involved with the SVT, we have four committees and are always looking for new volunteers. Please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss with Committee chairs. Our new Contact us page will allow you to communicate directly with each committee.
Kindest Regards
Emma Waldegrave
SVT President